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Monday, April 28, 2014

April Showers

It's projected to rain all week which is totally fine in my book. The ground needs it, my garden needs it... I don't know if the kids will be too happy stuck inside all week, but they will live. 

I have some goals for the week- I want to box up any things around the house that we won't be using from now until September (our intended moving month), and get the house ready for showing to potential buyers. As of now, I think we are going to try and sell the house by ourselves. When we bought this house, we came from a rental place so we have no experience selling, but I have been doing some research and I think we can handle it. And of course, if it's too much, we will just call our realtor friend and have her list the property for us. 

Over the weekend, I painted the kids' room and it looks sooooo nice! Now I want to paint everything, but there is just no need for that. There will be plenty to paint at the farm house, I just need to be patient. 

Ideally, we will have the house ready to sell by the end of May. We can buy the farm house sooner than September if need be, but we want to be here in the cities for the month of August because we have a family reunion planned. We can't reschedule everyones flights, and we can't expect people to drive three hours from the airport to the country... although they may have to next time. ;)

Anyway. Happy Monday! Here's to a productive week. 

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