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Monday, May 5, 2014

grateful heart monday

little conversations
Once again, I'm linking up with ember grey to share a few things I am grateful for. I love this idea of taking a minute on Mondays to reflect, and to start off the week with this mindset is wonderful!

Today I am so grateful for SUNSHINE. It rained for what, five days straight last week? I love rain, and we needed it, but going on a long walk today with the babies, soaking in all of those rays, was exactly what my body and soul needed. Having the time to just walk and pray while the kiddos rested quietly in the stroller was such a treat!

And I am grateful now that they are sleeping in their beds, giving me a chance to read some blogs and write a little. ;)

Ember Grey


  1. oh my gosh, that first picture!!!!!! How sweet!!! :) Sunshine *always* helps make a day a good one. We've had a lot of gloomy days here in Chicago recently and I'm very ready for the sun to shine again. Until then, I will just live vicariously through your photos!

    1. Yesss, that photo, haha! I think my baby boy has a little girlfriend (the girl is a friend's daughter.) Hope Chicago gets some nice weather soon, although I looked at the forecast for the week and Minneapolis looks like rain for the rest of the week. Noooo! Hope that isn't the case for you too.

  2. Ohhhh sunshine...I love it and miss it! I think it's coming soon to my neck of the woods. It's been a long winter!

    1. It has been such a long winter. Hope you get some sun soon!

  3. I was also thankful for sunshine. Esp this weekend. After it rained for what seemed like 2 weeks and we had bad weather. Sunshine is the best.

    1. It definitely is. Thanks for your comment!
